
Asociación Comerciantes Algarabia

This is the website of a business owners association from the imaginary town of Algarabia.
It was my final work for a university course I took in Spain, so the site is in Spanish.

On the frontend the site features some typical presentational pages with the history of the association, information about the members, the services offered, news, photo gallery and contact.

On the backend, I built a users and content management system that allows admins to do things like add/remove/schedule news publication, manage the photo gallery, change users' data and permissions, modify the published documentation, etc.

There are 4 kinds of users:

  • Unregistered users: they can browse the site and have access to almost all content.
  • Registered members: they can publish and manage their business' information and also have access to extra content, like contact information for exclusive services or private documents.
  • Members-admins: an advanced kind of members, they have access to additional backend areas, like the news and gallery management systems.
  • Admins: they have complete access to everything and can also create, modify and delete users' accounts.

I chose to build the whole site without using any framework or library (only exception being the AJAX module of JQuery), because I wanted to learn the languages used at a deeper level, especially PHP and CSS.
I also wanted to make the site as realistic as possible, so I tried to fine tune all details in order to provide a "living website" feeling to the user. For example, I created around 120 fake members profiles, each with a personalized logo and information card.
It was a lot of work, but I think I progressed considerably as a developer by completing this assignement.


Stack used:

Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Backend: PHP, SQL(MySQL)

Live at: https://www.micpob.com/asociacion_comerciantes/