

This is my portfolio website, made to show my projects and skills.
I chose to put the cards presenting the projects I built straight into the home page, as I think those are the most important part of a developer's presentation.

There are also other pages, as in a standard portfolio site structure: a Skills page with the option to filter by category, an About page with some information about me, and a typical Contact page with a form.

I built the site using Gatsby, a static sites generator based on React.
I chose to use Gatsby for 2 reasons:

  • I wanted to learn one of the new static sites generator frameworks, as they are becoming pretty in demand.
  • I previously navigated some sites made with Gatsby and I was impressed with how fast and responsive they were.

I think overall this is a nice portfolio site, with a good balance between content and presentation. I made an effort to build something visually pleasant (at least by my standard), but without having the appearance overwhelm the most important part, the presentation of my works and skills as a developer.


Stack used:

Frontend: Gatsby, React, Javascript, CSS

Backend: Node (just for the contact form)


Live at: https://micpob.com