

Zenter is a game where you have to put a circle in the perfect center of a green canvas.

Zenter screenshot 1

You can move the circle by dragging it with the mouse pointer, your fingers, or with the yellow arrows buttons. If an arrow is clicked one time it moves the circle by just 1 pixel, but if it is kept pressed the movement speed will accelerate progressively.

A game is made of 5 rounds of 5 seconds each, and at the end of every round you will see how good your percentage of centering was.

Zenter screenshot 2

At the end of a game your average precision among the 5 rounds is calculated, and if your final result is very good you will be included in Zenter's top ten!

Zenter screenshot 3


Stack used:

Frontend: HTML Canvas, CSS, JavaScript

Backend: NodeJs, Express, MongoDB


Live at: https://www.micpob.com/zenter/